While the process isn't difficult, it can be confusing if you don't know exactly where to go. Most travelers arrive in Cairo, so here's how to get a VoA in Cairo's airport.
In Cairo
First, fill out the immigration form you're given onboard your flight.
Land and head toward the Bank/Entry Visa counters.
There are signs in English leading you here from your gate.
Proceed to any one of the several bank counters before the immigration line.
They all sell visas for the same price, so just pick the one with the shortest line.
Make Sure you have
$25 USD
in cash. No credit cards.
Buy your visa sticker
Don't stick it into your passport yet. The immigration officer will do this.
Get in the immigration line
Cairo's airport is very busy, so you might have to wait up to an hour or more in this line.
You've made it through the border with your Visa on Arrival. Head to the baggage claim and retrieve your luggage.
For more information about the VoA process, click the link below.